In 2006, a visionary young man began his journey in the insurance industry to gain valuable experience and skills. By 2014, he founded kFly Promax Services, marking the first step towards realizing his dream. Over the years, the company grew significantly, expanding its customer base to over 15,000 individuals and corporate clients, and increasing its team to more than 50 employees. In 2020, the mission expanded to serve every sector related to insurance, solidifying kFly Promax Services as a comprehensive provider in the industry.
A boy with great vision started a job in Insurance Industry to gain experience & skills.
kFly Promax Services was founded by an ambitious young man, first step towards his dream.
Individual & corporate customer base increased to 15k+ & employee base jumped to 50+.
Mission expansion ON! Started serving in each & every sector related to insurance!
A boy with great vision started a job in Insurance Industry to gain experience & skills.
An ambitious young man founded kFly Promax Services as the first step toward his dream.
Individual & corporate customer base increased to 15k+ & employee base jumped to 50+.
Mission expansion ON! Started serving in each & every sector related to insurance!
To set the standard of supremacy among service providers by being ingenious and go beyond customer expectations.
We deliver exceptional service through innovation and excellence, driven by integrity and a focus on customer satisfaction.
To be a company that provides economical protection and delight for our customers. We deliver modernization and eminence in our services.